Software Carpentry

Scottish Universities Physics Alliance

2016 - present

This course aims to improve the programming skills of postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers across the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance. I share teaching responsibilities on the course with Dr Norman Gray, and since 2016 I have taught the software engineering component of the course, covering topics such as writing better documentation, and producing documentation websites; code testing including unit testing; good programming practices; and the process of preparing code for publication. Since 2022 I have also taken on responsibility for coordinating the course.

Gravitational Wave Detection

Scottish Universities Physics Alliance / School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow

2019 - present

I teach a lecture on Multimessenger Astrophysics as part of a larger course on Gravitational Wave Detection. The lecture generally covers the first GW multimessenger event, GW170817, and the processes involved in coordinating the electromagnetic and gravitational wave observatories.

Honours Astronomy Laboratory

School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow

2016 - present

I have taught and demonstrated the radio astronomy component of the honours-level astronomy lab for several years, covering both observing projects and data analysis projects, with an exclusive focus on the latter during the 2021 and 2022 sessions due to Covid-19 related disruption.

Astronomy 1 Laboratory

School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow

2016 - 2018